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Payments and Policies

Tuition cost is $300 a semester per weekly class. (So, if you sign up your child to take 2 weekly classes the cost is $600 per semester, three classes $900)

Payment is due when registration has been completed and you have received your invoice. Your child's spot in the class is not held until payment has been received. 

Tuition rate is $300 a semester per weekly class regardless of participation. Payments are not refundable. If there are extenuating circumstances please notify us.

Payment plans are available. You must make an appointment with owner & director, Sara Anders to set up a payment plan. In the case that payment is not received as agreed upon your child's spot in the class will no longer be held and will be offered to the next person in line.

If you register your child in the middle of a semester the tuition rate will be adjusted. The adjustment will be based on the date of registration not the first date of participation.

Call or email Sara Anders with any questions about payments and policies.


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